dragon flies

Endemic Dragonflies of Sri Lanka

1. Black-tipped Flashwing       Ventalis apicalis nigrescens


Inhabit forested streams and rivers from lower hills to higher elevations. Common.


2. Adam’s Gem        Libellago adami

Inhabit rivers, canals, streams, both fast and slow moving water from low wetland areas to the lower hill areas.Common.


3. Ultima Gem       Libellago finalis
Inhabit shaded rivers and small streams in mid hills to mountain areas.Common locally.


4. Green’s  Gem       Libellago greeni

Inhabit shaded rivers and small streams, low and midhills to higher elevations. Common locally.


5. Shining Gossamerwing        Euphaea splendens


Inhabit all types of moderate to fast flowing streams and rivers surrounded by mixed vegetation in hilly areas.Very common.



6. Emerald Sri Lanka Spreadwing       Sinhalestes orientalis



Rare. But common in the Uva patnas. Found in grass land of low country wet zone and Central hills.


IUCNSL 2007 List:CR



7. Metallic-backed Reedling       Indolestes divisus


8. Mountain Reedling       Indolestes gracilis gracilis


IInhabit grassy edges of ponds, lakes, and marshes in the hills and mountains, especially in the Nuwara Eliya area.Common locally.

9. Sri Lanka Midget        Mortonagrion  ceylonicum

Found in densely shaded forests near small slow streams or densely vegetated tanks.Low wet zone ares to lower hills where specific habitats are found. Very rare.Globally endangered.

10. Sri Lanka Orange-faced Sprite       Pseudagrion  rubriceps ceylonicum

Inhabit weedy edges of ponds, tanks, canals, streams, marshes, lagoons and rivers.


11. Adam’s Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta adami

IUCNSL 2007 List:CR


12. Austin’s Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta austeni



IUCNSL 2007 List:CR

13. Brinck’s   Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta brincki

Inhabits small streams in primary and secondary rainforests, as well as rivulets with falls and rich surrounding vegetation at different elevations. Generally uncommon, but more common than other shadowdamsels.


14. Nobel Shadowdamsel      Drepanosticta digna


15. Fraser’s Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta fraseri



16. Merry Shadowdamsel        Drepanosticta hilaris



IUCNSL 2007 List:CR


17. Drooping Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta lankanensis


Found near small streams and springs in the rainforest. Very rare.


18. Dark Knob-tipped Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta montana

The species inhabits small mountain streams in dense jungle.Very rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

19. Nietner’s Shadowdamsel        Drepanosticta nietneri

Inhabits small streams in the primary and secondary rainforest. Rare.


20. Sinhalese Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta sinhalensis
Species known from a single malee caught near Ratnapura.Most probably it may inhabits small streams and springs in the rain forests. Very rare.
21. Starmuhlner’s Shadowdamsel        Drepanosticta starmuehlneri
22. Bordered Knob-tipped Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta submontana
Found in the low country-wet zone forests up to 500m.Rare

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

23. Blue-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel        Drepanosticta subtropica
24. Dark-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel       Drepanosticta tropica
Found near small streams in dense montane forests of mountain regions. Very rare.
25. Wall’s Shadowdamsel Drepanosticta walli
Dark Forestdamsel                            Platysticta apicalis
Inhabits streams and rivulets in the mid-hill primary rain forest and some surrounding less disturbed areas. Very rare.


26. Blurry Forestdamsel       Platysticta maculata
Found in mid to upper montane areas similar to Kitugala and Kandy with mixed forest and shrubs near small streams. Rare.


27. Ramajana Bambootail  Disparoneura  ramajana
IUCNSL 2007 List: CR
28. Two-spotted Threadtail       Elattoneura   bigemmata
Inhabits streams and rivers in the lowland to mid-hill primary rainforest and some surrounding less disturbed areas. Rare.


29. Jungle Threadtail        Elattoneura    caesia
Found in very wet swampy or seepage areas at mid-elevations but mostly found along small streams and springs in primary rainforest. Rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: EN

30. Dark-glittering Threadtail        Elattoneura    centralis
Found in forested areas on branches or stones on or near moderate to slow flowing streams and rivers from lowlands to mid-hills. Common locally.

31. Smoky-winged Threadtail       Elattoneura     leucostigma
IUCNSL 2007 List: CR
32. Red-stripedThreadtail       Elattoneura  tenax   
Inhabits streams in the mid-hill primary rainforest and surrounding less disturbed areas. Rare.


33. Stripe-headed Threadtail        Prodasineura sita
Found in moderate to slow flowing streams and rivers, channels and occasionally also standing waters from lowlands to mid-hills. Common.

34. Soltaire Clubtail        Anisogomphus  solitaries

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

35. Sinuate Clubtail       Burmagomphus pyramidalis sinuatus

Inhabits streams and rivers in the lowland to mid-hill areas. Rare.


36. Transvestite  Clubtail       Cyclogomphus     gynostylus


These slow flying odonates rests on vegetation besides running water in irrigation ditches and sluggish streams. Rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: VU


37. Sri Lanka Sabretail        Megalogomphus  ceylonicus

Inhabits streams and rivers in the lowlands to mid-hill primary rainforests and some surrounding less disturbed areas. Rare.

38. Brook Hooktail       Paragomphus henryi

Inhabits moderate to fast flowing streams and rivers in hills and mountain regions.Common locally.
39. Sri Lanka Grappletail       Heliogomphus ceylonicus

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

40. Lyrate Grappletail        Heliogomphus lyratus

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

41. Nietner’s Grappletail       Heliogomphus nietneri

IUCNSL 2007 List: CR

42. Wall’s  Grappletail        Heliogomphus walli
43. Keiser’s Forktail  Macrogomphus annulatus keiseri
44. Sri Lanka Forktail       Macrogomphus lankanensis
Inhabits rivers, bigger streams and occasionally also irrigation channels in lowlands and mid-hills. Rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: VU

45. Wijaya’s Scissortail       Microgomphus wijaya
The species inhabits rivers and streams with rich surrounding vegetation in mid-hills. Rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: EN

46. Rivulet Tiger Gomphidia pearsoni

Found in pools of moderately fast to slow flowing streams and rivers in the mid-hill primary rainforest and some surrounding less disturbed areas. Rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: EN

47. Blue-eyed Pondcruiser       Epophthalmia vittata cyanocephala
Found along edges of jungle near large tanks from wet low lands, hills and dry zone. Uncommon.
48. Flint’s Cruiser       Macromia flinti
IUCNSL 2007 List: CR
49. Sri Lanka Cruiser       Macromia zeylanica
Found along fast moving streams with gravel edges or sandy bottoms in hill areas. Rare.
50. Fruhstorfer’s Junglewatcher       Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi fruhstorferi
The species sits on vegetation at edges of slow streams or seepages in submontane areas. Very rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: EN

51. Yerbury’s Elf       Tetrathemis yerburyii

Inhabits small jungle pools along rivers and streams with rich surrounding vegetation in mid-hills rainforests. Very rare. Globally endangered.

IUCNSL 2007 List: EN

52. Sri Lanka Cascader       Zygonyx iris ceylonicum
Found near the fast flowing streams and rivers with rapids and waterfalls from lower to middle hill areas. Common.




































































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